Local Notices to Mariners

Local Notices to Mariners provide essential information for those navigating within, or in the approaches to, St Mary’s Harbour.

Notices may include information on events, works, rules and regulations.

Below is a list of current Local Notice to Mariners which can be expanded by clicking on the appropriate number.

Each notice is sent to a list of parties such as local interests and regional ports and Harbours.


If you think you would like to be added to this list please contact

[email protected]





No.6 HW PEC Berthing Trials
No.5 Newman Buoy Removed For Maintenance
No.4 World Pilot Gig Championships 2024
No.3 Pelistry Seawater Intake
No.2 Uncrewed Vessels
No.1 Local Notice to Mariners in Force


View Archived Notices